Functions of the Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice (hereinafter – the Ministry) is the leading State administrative institution in the sectors of justice (legal system policy, judiciary system and court administration), as well as in other fields of the State policy referred to in these Regulations.

The Ministry is directly subject to the Minister for Justice.

The Ministry is the superior institution for the State administrative institutions that are subordinate to the Ministry and for persons who are mandated with the task of the State administration and who, while working on the task-at-hand, are subordinate to the Ministry, unless the Law or Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers provide otherwise.


The following shall be the functions of the Ministry:

1. To develop, organize and coordinate policy in the following fields:

legal system, including national law, administrative law, civil law, commercial law, criminal law and religious law, as well as in the field of procedural law;

  • administration of judiciary system and district (city) courts and regional courts;
  • criminal punishment and administrative punishment system;
  • enforcement of punishments;
  • forensic expertise;
  • transparency of information;
  • public registers kept by the Register of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Latvia and the Patent Board;
  • official publications, systematisation of the information they contain and access to legal information;
  • personal data protection;
  • industrial property, special patents, trade marks, designs and topographies of semiconductor products;
  • maintenance of the State cadastre of immovable property, cadastral surveying and land planning;
  • insolvency of legal persons (excluding credit institutions) and natural persons;
  • registration of civil status documents;
  • religious matters;
  • free legal professions;
  • alternative dispute settlement methods – arbitrages and mediation;
  • assurance of the State-guaranteed means of support;
  • State-guaranteed legal aid;
  • State compensation to victims;
  • prevention of money laundering and terrorism financing in cooperation with the Ministry of Finances in line with the competences;
  • national common qualification examination for lawyers.

2. To organize and coordinate implementation of laws and other regulatory enactments.

3. To perform other functions as specified in external regulatory enactments.