"This publication has been produced with the financial support of the project no. JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR/8681 "European Seminar – Cooperation between the EU Member States for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child" with the financial support of the Specific Programme "JUSTICE" 2015 of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Ministry of Justice of Latvia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.
Project: "European Seminar – Cooperation between the EU Member States for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child"
Project No: JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR/8681
Programme: Specific Programme "JUSTICE" 2015 (from 2014 till 2020)
The total financing of the Project: The maximum amount of Project's budget is 194 657,34 EUR (financing of European Commission is 80% or 155 725,87 EUR , but Co-financing of Project partner is 20% or 38 931,47 EUR), the part of Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia is 11 944 EUR (financing of European Commission is 80% or 9 555 EUR, on which Co-financing of State budget 20% or 2 389 EUR)
The objective of the Project: to improve the knowledge of legal practitioners from EU MS with competences in family law with regard to the effective and coherent application of the regulation No 2201/2003, in particular of the provisions on the wrongful removal or retention of a child, and by way of network and exchanging best practice increase their mutual trust and understanding
Main activities:
1. Organization of one preparation meeting to deal with the organizational aspects of the European seminar.
2. Organization of one common working meeting with the participation of the selected trainers and rapporteurs in order to fine tune the presentations of the experts, the agenda, ect.
3. Organization of a two day European seminar on cooperation between the EU Member States for the purpose of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal of retention of a child, for about 150 practitioners (judges, representatives of Central Authorities, bailiffs, lawyers, mediators) in the field of family law from all EU Ms.
4. Organisation of one common working meeting in order to finalise the elaboration of the handbook (training materials) on the topics debated during the seminar.
The implementation period of the Project: 24 months from October 1, 2016 till September 30, 2018
Project partners:
The lead project partner: The Ministry of Justice of Romania
Project partners/ Co-beneficiaries:
1. The German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation
2. The Croatian Judicial Academy
3. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia
4. The Ministry of Justice of Hungarian