"This publication has been produced with the financial support of the project no. JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR/8681 "European Seminar – Cooperation between the EU Member States for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child" with the financial support of the Specific Programme "JUSTICE" 2015 of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Ministry of Justice of Latvia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.
In close cooperation between the EU Member States has been prepared the handbook (manual) for the EU legal practitioners in the field of Family law for the purpose of solving the civil cases of wrongful removal or retention of children within the EU
On March 12–14, 2018 in Bucharest, Romania within the framework of the project[1] the European seminar[2] was organized and held, which was attended by participants from the beneficiaries of the project[3] and other relevant stakeholders. The European seminar was attended by approximately 150 participants, incl. speakers, rapporteurs, and experts from institutions of beneficiary countries and Member states of the EU (MS) (Latvia, Croatia, ect.) who delivered not only presentations during the European seminar, but also invaluable inpute.
The handbook ""European seminar", Cooperation between the EU member states for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child" was prepared during the six workshops of the European seminar. The experts from Beneficiary countries and the MS after the European seminar came together and discussed the main topics debated during the European seminar and adapted them for the needs of the practitioners and introduced with the relevant legislation of EU. Two experts from the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia Ms. Irena Kucina, Deputy State Secretary on Court Matters and Ms. Anastasija Jumakova, acting Director of the Department of International Cooperation participated in the European seminar and provided input to the following themes in the Handbook: Enforcement of decision "Enforcement of return decisions (a national perspective, some aspects of international cooperation)" and "The importance of the child’s hearing in establishing his/her best interests during the return proceedings".
The handbooks have been printed in 500 hard copies, but the electronic copy of the handbook has been published in European e-Justice portal and e-learning platform at the level of the Rumanian Ministry of Justice. The electronic copy of the handbook as well has been published in the home page of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia.
The handbook (manual) in English is available here.
[1] The project No JUST/2015/JTRA/AG/EJTR/8681 "European Seminar – Cooperation between the EU Member States for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child" financed by the European Commission within the Specific Programme "JUSTICE" 2015
[2] Cooperation between the EU Member States for the purposes of solving the civil cases regarding the wrongful removal or retention of a child
[3] Romanian Ministry of Justice; German Foundation for Interantinal Judicial Cooperation (IRZ); Croatian Judicial Academy; Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia; Hungarian Ministry of Justice