Press release

From Monday, 1 July, two adults in Latvia - of different sexes or of the same sex - will be able to legally establish their relationship in a new way by concluding a partnership with a notary. The legal framework on cohabitation developed by the Ministry of Justice will ensure legal, economic and social protection for all families, as well as implementing the Constitutional Court's judgment of 12 November 2020.

Minister of Justice Inese Lībiņa-Egnere underlines the importance of the event: "1 July is a special and long-awaited day for many this year, because after more than 20 years of discussions, all families will finally have the opportunity to be visible to the state. In a state governed by the rule of law and democracy, every person is an asset. And we, as a country and as a society, must do everything we can to make people in Latvia feel happy, belong and want to start families here. This regulation will do just that. For many, many people, this is an important signal - you are important to Latvia, that the state protects everyone's human rights and privacy. This is a truly historic day for Latvia in terms of respect for human rights."

To find out more about how the partnership process will work, the Ministry of Justice has summarised the most important questions and answers.

What is a partnership?

A partnership is a new way of making your relationship visible to the state and will provide legal, economic and social protection for two people in a personal relationship. A partnership gives individuals certain rights and obligations in their relationship with the State, thus facilitating their everyday life together. Details of the establishment and dissolution of the partnership will be entered in the Register of Natural Persons.

Who will be able to enter into a partnership?

From now on, two persons of legal age - of different sexes or of the same sex - who have a personal relationship and a common household and there are no restrictions on entering into a partnership (such as consanguinity, marriage or partnership) will be able to register their relationship in a simple and convenient way.

What will the partnership bring?

Once the partnership is formed, the partner will have the right to take decisions concerning the other partner's medical treatment if he or she is unable to look after himself or herself or freely express his or her wishes, to obtain social guarantees, such as receiving pension amounts calculated for the partner but not paid until his or her death, and to obtain personal income tax relief on mutual gifts and loans.

The partner of a public official will also be subject to restrictions on conflicts of interest. Similarly, an insolvency administrator will not be able to perform his/her duties if the partner of the administrator has a personal or pecuniary interest in them.

Does a partnership have to be dissolved if the family is recognised by the court?

Couples who have been granted a declaration of a family relationship by an administrative court do not have to go to a notary. The data on the relations of persons established by a court ruling until 30 June 2024 will be updated in the Register of Natural Persons by the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs on the basis of an application from the person. After the registration, these couples will have the same rights and obligations as couples who have established a partnership with a notary public.

Where will the partnership be concluded?

The partnership can be concluded in person or remotely at a notary's office. The partnership comes into force when the notarial deed of partnership is signed. Contact details of notaries are available on the website of the Latvian Council of Notaries.

Further information on the registration of a partnership is available on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

Further information:

In order to comply with the Constitutional Court's judgment of 12 November 2020, on 26 October 2023 the Minister of Justice Inese Lībiņa-Egnere submitted to the Law Commission of the Saeima for consideration a package of draft laws developed by the Ministry of Justice providing for the introduction of a new legal institute in Latvia - partnership. On 9 November 2023, the Saeima approved the package of draft laws in its final reading.  On 19 January 2024, the President of Latvia promulgated the amendments to the Notariats Law, which are part of the package of laws to introduce partnership in Latvia as of 1 July 2024.