Press release Jaunumi

Legal consultations are available to anyone interested until 12 November throughout Latvia. Calling on weekdays from 12:00 to 16.00 to the telephone numbers 67 514 237 and 67 514 224, clients, regardless of material or social status, can receive consultations in family law, protection from violence, performance of obligations, recovery of losses, insolvency proceedings, etc.  


Due to the established restrictions due to the epidemiological situation, the Legal Aid Administration provides such an opportunity for the second year now, involving legal aid providers for the provision of consultations.


Since 15 September, 361 consultations have been provided, the largest demand being related to family law, liability and inheritance law issues. 24 legal aid providers are involved in the provision of consultations.


Daumants Krasts, sworn advocate, legal aid provider:


“I have worked with the Legal Aid Administration to provide free legal advice in the past. Compared to the previous period, this time the length of telephone consultations has increased - there are conversations that last up to 40 minutes. Another notable difference in this campaign is that clients are more prepared when making the call and are able to describe the situation more accurately and ask relevant questions. The participants of the campaign, who have had to be consulted so far, are most often interested in issues related to inheritance and family law, as well as potential solutions for debt collection, etc.

I am pleased that people are actively using this opportunity offered by the state. This is confirmed by the fact that during the day, while handling incoming calls, I recorded parallel incoming calls of about 70 people on my phone, waiting for their turn and solution. This campaign provides significant support not only to those who are materially vulnerable, but to everyone. It is often one small action - one thing regarding which the client gains confidence in the course of the conversation in order to take more decisive steps in resolving the situation.”


Tatjana Rancāne, sworn advocate, legal aid provider:


“The campaign organized by the Legal Aid Administration with free remote legal consultations enables people to receive professional help in a timely manner. This can be compared to dealing with health problems - the longer we delay a doctor's appointment, the more complicated and expensive the treatment is later on.

Compared to the campaigns of the previous years, there is more activity this autumn - the information has reached a wider section of the public. In addition, my observation is that younger clients also use free remote legal advice. During this period, I have advised clients the most on family matters, situations of violence and employment law.”


Andrejs Vessers, lawyer, legal aid provider:


“The campaign organized by the Legal Aid Administration has clearly reached its audience, which is confirmed by the number of calls received every day and the consultations provided. People are calling both from Riga and from regions. The campaign does not have a single target audience, as we receive calls from seniors, young people, low-income people and those who can afford professional legal assistance outside the campaign. During this time, I have had to serve clients in matters related to disputes and complications with real estate, as well as family law.”


Edgars Nikels, sworn advocate, legal aid provider:


"Anyone can receive free remote legal advice in this campaign organized by the Legal Aid Administration - status and financial situation do not matter, and this is proven by my experience in participating in this project several times. Although the range of issues that people are trying to address during the remote consultation is very wide, during this campaign this autumn I consulted the clients most on protection from violence and liability law, as well as medical and criminal law.”


The Legal Aid Administration reminds that in order for the consultation to be effective, clients are invited to prepare for the conversation in advance, formulating questions, as well as taking care of the most appropriate environment for a quality conversation - a quiet room, good telephone connection, etc.


The opportunity to receive free legal aid will be provided until November 12!