Press release

On Thursday, 4 July, amendments to the Criminal Code drafted by the Ministry of Justice entered into force, increasing liability for crimes of violence against family members, intentional infliction of bodily harm, threats to commit murder or serious bodily harm, stalking, unlawful deprivation of liberty, kidnapping and others. These crimes will no longer be punishable by community service or fines.

Following a proposal by the Minister of Justice, Inese Lībiņa-Egnere, the Criminal Code has been supplemented with a new Article 174.prim, which provides for liability for cruelty and violence against a neighbour or relative if the victim suffers physical or mental suffering. Such an offence could be punishable by up to three years' imprisonment.

I.Lībiņa-Egnere emphasises: "The problems of violence, which cause not only physical but also psychological suffering, have not been properly addressed in Latvia for a long time. Violence within the family or between close people was often ignored, covered up and perceived as an internal family matter. This is not the case. We must do everything in our power to help those who are often in a helpless and dependent situation. A change of perception and zero tolerance towards all forms of violence is necessary if we are to achieve the goals of the criminal justice reform that has been completed - a safe country and a violence-free society."

The Criminal Code also strengthens the provision that a person under the age of 14 is in a helpless state if a sexual offence has been committed against him.

It will also be possible to impose imprisonment for up to five years instead of the previous three years for driving a person to suicide or attempted suicide by cruel treatment of the victim or systematically degrading his or her personal dignity. But if the victim is materially or otherwise dependent on the perpetrator, the penalty could be up to seven years.

The amendments to the Criminal Code can be found on the legislation portal.